Jacob's Completion to "Israel"!



Question: What lessons are we to learn from Gen. 32-33


A very important event happened to Jacob just prior to his departure from Laben after 21 years of service.  He had already gathered from Laben a very large number of his flocks; Gen. 30, which made him a wealthy man.  He encountered God in a physical event; his name was changed from Jacob to Israel (Prince with God), and the Promises made to Abraham and Isaac were endowed for continuation in him; and his offspring; Gen. 32:28 & 35:10. This whole event was to bring Jacob into submission to God/Jehovah; and to make him realise his need to rely on God for all things!


That progress has further to go, and will not be fully realized until Zech.12:10 is enacted; at that stage Jacob’s transformation to Israel (Prince with God) will be completed in the “remnant” of Israel who become “a Kingdom of Priests unto God” (Exod.19:5–6; Isa.61:6; 1Peter 2:9 & Rev.1:6)!


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